Emergency Lighting required for when power supply to normal lighting fails.

Compulsory locations under BS 5266 are:
• At stairs to illuminate each step
• Change of direction
• At each exit door
• Safety signs
• Each final exit point
• Fire alarm call point
• Intersections
• Change of floor level
• Fire fighting equipment / First Aid
A1 Solutions Security & Fire install, service and maintain emergency lighting systems.
From 1st October 2006 there have been revised standards. It has now become the responsibility of the "Responsible Person" to ensure the Building Emergency and Escape lighting will pass the regulations. This "Responsible Person" is either the owner of the building or the person operating from the building, or owner or occupier who has control of the building. This check was previously carried out by the Local Fire Officer.
A1 Solutions Security & Fire have the experience of the Emergency Lighting Regulations BS 5266: part 1: 1999, now updated to 2005 and we would be happy to carry out a survey and report on your buildings compliance with the Emergency Lighting requirements.
Even if your building has existing emergency lighting it may require modifications to meet the revised standards. We have the training and experience to provide you with a full emergency lighting service, including modifying your existing fittings.