Water 9L £31.84 Foam AFFF 6L £33.88
Foam AFFF 9L £34.95 ABC Powder 2kg £23.28
ABC Powder 3kg £31.22 ABC Powder 4kg £31.22
ABC Powder 6kg £34.64 ABC Powder 9kg £38.56
Co2 Refurb 2kg £29.59 Co2 Refurb 5kg £39.45
Co2 New 2kg £38.80 Co2 New 5kg £76.77
Wet Chemical 3L £96.20 Wet Chemical 6L £110.25
All Prices shown are inclusive of vat. Supplier delivery charge is £12.00 for any amount ordered.
So please add this delivery charge to your order!
Selecting the right method of fire fighting equipment gives your company the best chance to contain a fire before it develops into a major incident, saving both lives and property ... and possibly even the future of your business. A1 Solutions Security & Fire can provide the best fire-fighting equipment for your business risk.